This free self-paced course is Breathworks' way of supporting you through this difficult time.

The Covid-19 pandemic has now been with us for many months and all of us
have been impacted in one way or another. Times continue to be uncertain and
We know from many years of experience that mindfulness can really help us to
cope in challenging times, and we have designed this free course as a supportive
introduction to the practice. We hope you find it helpful.

Start Now

Course Topics:

  • Introduction and Welcome

  • Mental and Emotional Mastery - Settling in the Body
    It's completely understandable that your mind might feel like a wild animal going all over the place. Understandable, but you'll probably agree it can feel horrible! In this session, we offer two specific ways we can gain more mental and emotional mastery: Mindful Movement and a Body Scan meditation. Just click on the resources below to access a reflection and some practice guidance.

  • “So, you’re freaking out” (Self Compassion)
    Difficult times are...well, difficult! There’s no two ways about it and whatever you’re feeling is okay.  This section includes two practices to help soothe and calm you when you're freaking out. 

  • The Pleasure of Small Things
    If you’re mainly stuck indoors there’s a good chance you’re experiencing a bit of cabin fever and finding it hard to find much to enjoy. What to do? Check out the reflection and practices in this section to help get a different perspective.

  • When you’re feeling alone (Stay Connected)
    Feeling lonely and isolated has been shown to heighten health risks as much as smoking 15 cigarettes a day. This is why we’re offering you the connection meditation where you can spend time practising imaginative connection with people during this time of difficulty and social distancing.  

  • Dealing with changes to routine... (Lifestyle)
    Many of us are experiencing a change of routine. Whether this is a few
    weeks of self-isolation if we've been contacted by Covid contact tracers, or
    a change to our working life such as working from home. Maybe your life
    feels more spacious, or maybe it feels more stressful. Whatever your
    circumstances; disrupted, even chaotic, routines can be hard to manage.
    Watch out for little addictive habits.  Are you constantly checking your
    phone? Doing a lot of online shopping because you’re a bit bored? “Just
    one more” on Netflix? Check out our tips for keeping your mind, body and
    credit card in good shape!

  • Working from home (and maybe dealing with childcare)
    This section offers some practices and specific tips for mindfully getting through and getting some work done while at home.

Start Now

Also, please join us for:

Space to Breathe - free weekly meditation with Vidyamala

Every Tuesday,  7 - 7:30pm (BST)

These weekly sessions are designed for everybody - whether you are using our free online mindfulness resources, or simply want to drop in and give meditation a try! Click the link below at the start time to join us.

You can join us via Zoom:

Or watch on Youtube Live: Breathworks Mindfulness - YouTube