I fully believe that public interest in mindfulness will continue to grow as mindfulness becomes further ingrained into our daily lives. I believe it will also be developed more as a health management tool by the health establishment.

2014 was such an extraordinary year for the rise of interest in mindfulness and mindful meditation will continue to become more and more ingrained in our everyday lives and culture. It isn’t a passing fad; after all, it has been tried and tested for over 2,500 years.

I have been practising and teaching mindful meditation for three decades now and over the last couple of years I have seen - through the work that Breathworks has been doing with the NHS, the Government, Universities, medical charities and leading researchers - that the medical establishment is now taking mindfulness on board as an effective tool to help people live with ongoing physical and mental health conditions, and there is a lot of evidence-based research to back this up. 

This interest is borne out by my book ‘’MINDFULNESS FOR HEALTH’ recently winning first prize for Popular Medicine at the British Medical Association Book Awards for 2014.

Our Breathworks’ award winning Mindfulness for Health and Mindfulness for Stress courses have now been taught to thousands of people around the world. 

THE Breathworks Mindfulness for Health course is primarily aimed at people who suffer from persistent pain, illness or any other condition such as chronic fatigue or stress that affects their health.

The Mindfulness for Stress course is designed for anyone dealing with stress associated with work, relationships and any other factors outside their control. It is also aimed at people who want to learn strategies to deal with the general complexities and pace of modern life.

Dr Jon Kabat-Zinn, who is widely recognised as the founder of the secular mindfulness movement, has highly recommended our techniques:

"Breathworks’ Mindfulness-Based Pain Management is the most comprehensive, in-depth, scientifically up-to-date and user friendly approach to learning to live with chronic pain and reclaiming one’s life that I know of.  This is not surprising given Vidyamala’s direct personal experience of with severe injury, extensive rehabilitation and discovering the need to take charge of her own recovery to optimise long-term well-being. I admire Vidyamala tremendously, her approach could save your life and give it back to you.”

We will run a series of courses and retreats throughout 2015 led by our network of teachers across the UK – find your nearest course here

And for anyone who can’t physically access a course, Breathworks offers a range of online mindfulness courses that teach short daily mindfulness practices.

Basically, however you bring mindfulness into your life - by taking joy from the small things in your daily life, by being more aware of what you are feeling in the moment and by treating yourself with kindness and compassion - it will be the greatest gift that you can give yourself for 2015.