The final step on our Teacher Training pathway is running your own 8-week practise course. You can choose to teach either Mindfulness for Health or Mindfulness for Stress.

On this course you will get the opportunity to apply the skills you have learned during your training and reflect on your teaching experience with support from your Mentor.

How to arrange your practise courseindividuals on a practice course

You can chose to run a course on your own, or pair up with another trainee or accredited Breathworks teacher to co-run a course. You will be responsible for your own recruitment of course participants.

We ask all students not to plan their Practise Course until they've attended Advanced Teacher Training and consulted with their personal Mentor.

During your practise course you will:

  • Write a weekly reflective journal.
  • Receive advice and support from your Mentor.
  • Submit participant evaluation forms after the course.
  • Discuss appropriate next steps with your Mentor.


Please get in contact with the training team at [email protected] to arrange your practise course.