The Breathworks Foundation

Making mindfulness accessible

We are a registered charity, with a mission is to make mindfulness accessible to everyone. Being an organisation that gives back has been important to us from the very beginning. Our Founder Vidyamala was living on benefits for many years before she was able to secure funding through a disability grant to start Breathworks. We know that many who benefit the most from our services are least able to afford it, so we are committed to help those in need through bursaries, scholarships, free resources and other funding initiatives.

Support us today.

GIVE2LIVE Day Retreats in support of The Breathworks Foundation at West London Buddhist Centre

This year we are pleased to be hosting three Day Retreats at our Centre in support of The Breathworks Foundation's GIVE2LIVE campaign. The first one will be on Sunday 15 March, 10.30am - 4.30pm. 

We've been working in partnership with Breathworks since 2016 and wholeheartedly share Vidyamala's vision of making mindfulness courses and teacher training available to all, regardless of circumstances. We run the Health and Stress courses throughout the year and have seen what a difference they can make to people's lives. Personally, it is the most rewarding part of my job when I hear how participating on a course has helped a father relate to their family better and they find themselves laughing more; or that someone with persistent pain is "slowly getting to know the stranger inside"; or when a participant shares how they used the Breathing Anchor meditation to self-soothe during an unpleasant medical procedure; or when the group discusses how pleasure and kindness to self doesn't have to look like a bar or chocolate or a glass of wine but can manifest in the most subtle of ways, like the softness of a meditation blanket, the striking red of a single strawberry, or the warmth of a stone the longer it is held in one's hands.

In 2019 we became the first Breathworks Centre of Excellence and thanks to the generosity of The Breathworks Foundation we are able to offer bursary places on Mindfulness for Health courses which make the difference between people being able to come on a course and not. We are supporting this appeal because we want to play our part helping more people access these simple yet practical courses and open into the everyday freedom of mindfulness, compassion and deeper connection.

For us, contributing to The Foundation's fundraising effort is also a delightful opportunity to support and build the Breathworks community here in London, the South East and beyond! These are very much community practice days 'for the community run by the community'. They will be a chance to personally unwind, to catch up with each other and to invigorate our practice with plenty of space for meditation, reflection, and silence. 

The event is suitable for anybody who has completed a Breathworks Mindfulness for Stress or Mindfulness for Health course - in person or online, teachers and those currently in the teacher training process, and all volunteer course supporters. Lunch will not be provided but there are plenty of lovely veggie/vegan friendly shops and cafes in the area. This is a donation based event (suggested donation on booking is £20) but please give what you can - no amount is too small, or too large! If you can't make this one, look out for our other days in 2020: 

- Sunday 15 March, 10.30am - 4.30pm
- Sunday 5 July, 10.30am - 4.30pm 
- Sunday 1 November, 10.30-4.30pm 

Space is limited to 40 so to book your place, please follow this link. I'm also thinking about having a little cake stall on the day to raise a little extra money - why not? If you would like to bake or bring a cake and/or if you have any questions please email me: mindfulness@

We look forward to seeing you!

Sophie Crocker