Welcome to the Breathworks downloads page where you can buy guided meditation and mindfulness resources to download. 

The following downloads use our download provider 'Payloadz' so you will experience being redirected to the 'Payloadz' website to 'check out' as well as being able to continue shopping for more than one download by coming back to our site before finally checking out on the Payloadz website.


Mindfulness for Health Extra Body Scans

Four Body Scan meditations. Each Body Scan is approximately ten minutes long. 

Price £5.99 

Mindfulness for Health Extra meditations.

Four meditations each approx 10 minutes long.

Price £5.99 

Short Body Scan

20 min. Led by Sona Fricker. Includes introduction and guidance on posture by Vidyamala Burch. 

Price £4.00  

Longer Body Scan

40 min. Led by Vidyamala Burch. Includes introduction and guidance on posture.

Price £4.00  

Mindfulness of Breathing

Shorter guided version

20 min. Led by Vidyamala Burch. Includes introduction and guidance on posture.

Price £4.00

Longer guided version

40 min.  Led by Sona Fricker. Includes introduction and guidance on posture by Vidyamala Burch.

Price £4.00 

Shorter minimally guided version

20 min.  Led by Vidyamala Burch.

Price £1.50  

Longer minimally guided version

40 min.  Led by Sona Fricker.

Price £1.50  

Kindly Awareness

Shorter guided version

20 min. Led by Vidyamala Burch.

Price £4.00 

Longer guided version

20 min. Led by Vidyamala Burch.

Price £4.00 

Shorter minimally guided version

20 min. Led by Vidyamala Burch.

Price £1.50  

Longer minimally guided version

40 min. Led by Vidyamala Burch.

Price £1.50  

Meditation by Gary Hennessey - ideal for people with stress

Body Scan

34 min.  Managing Stress with Guided Mindfulness Meditation centred on the Body 

Price £2.95  

Mindful Movement

30 min. Managing Stress with Guided Mindfulness Meditation centred on the Body

Price £2.95  

Mindfulness of Breathing - managing Stress by Gary Hennessey

Mindfulness of Breathing

Track 1  - 36 min. 4 stages

Track 2  - 33 min. No counting

Price £5.95  

Kindness Meditations for people with Stress by Gary Hennessey

Kindness for Self - 10 min.
Kindness to a Friend - 11 min.
Kindness to a Neutral Person - 11 min.
Kindness Meditation in five stages -36 min.

Price £5.95  

Mindful Movement - The Breathworks Way - is a complete introduction to mindful movement as developed and taught at Breathworks.

The movements are those used on the highly successful Breathworks courses, but also form a stand-alone programme for mindfulness training. The aims of the programme are fourfold:

  • to improve awareness as you move so you can take the training into daily life - bringing awareness to lifting, walking, bending, reaching and so on, learning to move with the breath rather than habitually holding the breath against movement
  • to improve your flexibility
  • to improve your strength

For these reasons the Breathworks Mindful Movement programme is not simply an exercise programme, getting you to stretch further or hold poses for longer. Equally important is the emphasis on developing the quality of your awareness as you move by becoming mindful. By becoming sensitive to your body's sensations you can inhabit it more deeply and feel more relaxed, grounded and alive.

This programme is suited to people with chronic pain, illness and stress, and anyone interested in Mindfulness training. It provides a new alternative to the more formal ways of Mindfulness training such as sitting meditation.

Mindful Movement 1 Audio MP3s 

3 x 20 min.  Led sequences, lying down, with an introduction.

Price £6.49 

Mindful Movement 2 Audio MP3s

3 x 20 min. Led sequences, lying down, sitting & standing, with an introduction.

Price £6.49   

Mindful Movement Downloadable Videos (.M4V) - 80 min.

A total of 40 clips, demonstrating how to set yourself up for all Breathworks Mindful Movements and showing each movement in detail, complete with commentary. In M4V format can be viewed with Quickplayer or Windows Media Player

Price £12.95  

Mindful Movement e-Booklet

An A5, 64 page, ebook

Price £4.95  


Living well with pain & illness mp3 downloads

01 - Chapter 4 Mindfulness exercise  (04:21 min)
02 - Chapter 5 Step 1 - The starting point: awareness  (03:21 min)
03 - Chapter 5 Step 2 - Moving towards the unpleasant  (05:18 min)
04 - Chapter 5 Step 3 – Seeking the pleasant  (04:12 min)
05 - Chapter 5 Step 4 – Opening to experience  (03:24 min)
06 - Chapter 7 Breath inquiry  (00:50 min)
07 - Chapter 7 Breath inquiry 2: the basic breath  (02:44 min)
08 - Chapter 7 Breath inquiry 3: whole-body breathing  (24:52 min)
09 - Chapter 13 The Body Scan   (09:03 min)
10 - Chapter 14 Mindfulness of Breathing  (05:30 min)
11 - Chapter 15 Kindly Awareness stages 1 & 5   (09:16 min)
12 - Chapter 17 The three-minutes breathing space   (03:08 min)

Price £4.95 

Mindfulness in Daily Life Booklet

The Art of Mindfulness booklet  (e-book) 

This booklet is an expansion of chapter 17 of Living Well with Pain and Illness. It provides a comprehensive introduction to the Breathworks mindfulness in daily life and pacing programme. Includes templates of diaries for photocopying.

"After years of feeling that the advice on 'pacing' was a useful but mechanical survival tool for people in pain or struggling with fatigue, I was delighted and relieved to find this lovely booklet and guide. Now I have a resource to help people find a way to work skillfully with their difficult experiences, and find space in their lives to regain their sense of joy and purpose."
SW, Senior Physiotherapist, Glasgow Centre for Integrative Care.

Price £4.00  

Mindfulness for Health MP3 Meditations

Thirteen Tracks as mp3 downloads

Price £19.50  

Downloading files as MP3 

With iPads and iPhones the tracks are streamed to your iPads and iPhones when you click on the link you receive with your purchase. To install them in iTunes on your iPad, iPod, and iPhones you need to download the tracks to your computer then add the tracks to iTunes and sync with your device.

Tracks can usually be downloaded directly to a Smartphone with an Android operating system.

If you have any problems or queries about this process, please contact our office: [email protected].