If you think Mindfulness-Based Pain Management could be right for you, book a place on an 8-week online MBPM course here:

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What is Mindfulness-Based Pain Management?

MBPM is a mindfulness-based approach developed by Breathworks, that is the foundation of our 8-week Mindfulness for Health course. It comes directly from the personal experience of Breathworks co-founder Vidyamala Burch who has lived with severe spinal pain since 1976 and has practised mindfulness and compassion since 1985.

The underlying principle of MBPM is that we are already whole, and that by practicing mindfulness and compassion we can rediscover our wholeness.

How Does MBPM Work?

MBPM emphasises the transformative power of both mindfulness and compassion practices to support a radical shift in how we experience physical, mental and emotional pain. This approach also pays particular attention to mindfulness in daily life and offers a uniquely designed mindful movement programme.

Who Can Benefit from MBPM?

MBPM has helped course participants with conditions including chronic pain, cancer, fibromyalgia, tinnitus, short-term injuries, dizziness, multiple sclerosis, musculo-skeletal pain, arthritis, stroke, CFS, Paget’s syndrome, chronic renal failure, diabetes, neuropathy, hyper mobility, spondylolisthesis, and a host of other conditions.

What is the evidence that MBPM works?

There have been a number of published scientific studies and many more internal evaluations of the Mindfulness for Health course, and the results have been extraordinary. Take a look at some of the changes that results from the 8-week course:

Pain and fatigue were lower and interfered with daily life less, and quality of life improved by an enormous amount - almost 50%! These changes also increased over time. Mindfulness practices become a way of life, which help people to manage their condition in a sustainable way.

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More Research and How We Know it Works