Have a question about our Silence for Seven community fundraiser? Explore these FAQs below. 

Last updated: 05.06.24

Q: How can I stay up to date with news and events related to Silence for Seven? 

When you register your challenge by creating a fundraising page, you will automatically be added to our Silence for Seven mailing list where you will be emailed the joining information for associated online events (such as the launch party) and occasional updates. If you have not yet registered a challenge but are interested in learning more, click here to opt into this specific mailing list. 

Q: What is counted as silence? 

For this challenge, we define silence as a period of: 

  • No speaking 

As well as:

  • No written communication (e.g. texts, emails, handwritten notes).

  • Detaching from technology (e.g. scrolling social media).

  • Not initiating background noise (e.g. listening to music or watching the television), unless it supports your meditation/mindfulness practice. 

You may of course break a silence to communicate urgent needs, or to ensure the safety of those or others around you. 

Q: Do I need to be silent for the entire 7 days?

A: Not at all. Whilst the challenge does require some period of silence on each of the 7 days, you choose the total number of hours of silence you’ll commit to throughout the week. 

As a guide, for people new to a silent practice, this might be 1 hour per day. For people who are used to periods of silence from meditation retreats, your daily period of silence might be longer. You might even gradually increase your silent period over the course of the 7 days.

Q: What if I need to change my challenge or encounter difficulties during the challenge?

A: While some discomfort and resistance are expected during the 7-day challenge, it’s important to prioritise your needs. If the challenge becomes detrimental to your well-being or impractical, you are welcome to modify it. Approach these changes with curiosity rather than self-criticism. Reflect on what you’ve learned, what surprised you, and what was harder than expected. Share these reflections with your sponsors and update them on your revised challenge.

You may find it supportive to share your experiences on our free Community of Practice platform.

Tip: In your post, include the hashtag #SilenceForSeven to connect with others participating. 

Q: Do I need to isolate to be in silence? 

This challenge does not require you to isolate or break your connection with others - in fact, you may find this practice enhances your connections. 

Whilst taking some space for yourself may make silence easier to participate in, it is not necessary. You could become curious about what your usual routine looks like with more silence. What might it be like to listen, rather than respond to conversations, for example? What do you notice on your daily commute? How do short periods of silence affect your experience at work? 

P.S Warm smiles & kind gestures are always permitted - offer them freely!

Q: I live with a mental health condition - should I take part?

A: Prolonged periods of silence is generally not advised for people experiencing acute depression or poor mental health. If you aren’t sure whether silence is for you, consider starting small, perhaps with 30 minutes of silence each day. You can always increase the duration as the week progresses, if you decide it feels ok for you. 

Q: How can I best support myself through this challenge? Are there any risks to be aware of? 

A: Silence brings us closer to our experience, and therefore can feel uncomfortable and difficult at times. Part of the practice is noticing how this shows up for us, and choosing to respond consciously and compassionately. 

However, if you find  the silence feels especially uncomfortable, or you become overwhelmed with thoughts, emotions or pain, you may find it helpful to broaden your awareness. For example, it can be helpful to: 

  • Listen to a guided meditation

  • Look through a window, watching clouds pass through the sky

  • Focusing your attention on an object, such as a fidget toy, candle or an item you treasure. 

  • Change your location, e.g. silently walk through a park, sit in the garden or settle into your favourite space in the house. 

When deciding if and how to participate in this challenge, please listen to your needs and make the kind choice for yourself. 

Q: If I don’t take part in the challenge, is there another way I can support? 

A: Absolutely! We’d love for you to join the collective effort to raise funds for bursary places by:

  • Making a donation here to the Silence for Seven appeal

  • Sharing the news of our Silence for Seven appeal with your community.

  • Cheering people along via the Community of Practice by commenting on posts and offering your support along the way

Q: Can I join the challenge as a team with friends or family?

A: Absolutely! Working together can make the experience more enjoyable and motivating. Each team member can set their own individual challenge or work towards a combined goal. Why not use our free Community of Practice platform to suggest a team challenge and invite people to join you? Consider increasing your fundraising target accordingly. 

Q: Can I participate if I don’t have a Community of Practice account?

A: Absolutely! We recommend using the Community of Practice as a way to maintain motivation and be inspired by others, however it is not necessary to have an account to join this challenge. 

Q: What if I can’t join the launch or celebration parties?

A: We’ll miss you, but it’s no problem! Participation in the launch and celebration parties is optional. You can still take part in the challenge and fundraise. We’ll share the recordings from the events, so you can feel connected even if you can’t join live. Be sure to register your interest here to receive the recordings and event information. 

Q: Is there a prize for completion?

A: As well as the warm glow you’ll have from knowing you’ve helped young adults discover mindfulness, those taking part will be awarded a Silence for Seven badge on their Community of Practice profile (if you have one). If you have any questions about this, or would prefer not to have a badge, please email Shannon at [email protected]

Q: How do I set up my fundraising page?

A: You can set up your fundraising page using the guidance provided here. This will give you a secure link to collect donations, which will be deposited directly to our charity. If you’re unable to set up your page using this guidance, please email Shannon who will be happy to assist: [email protected]

Q: Is there a minimum amount I need to raise to participate?

A: You are encouraged to set a goal that feels ambitious yet achievable for you. This will look different for each of us. Every contribution counts and helps us reach our £5,000 target. 

Q: What if I don’t reach my fundraising target?

A: There is no penalty if you go below (or above!) this amount, but it helps motivate you and your community to work towards a shared goal. This challenge is not about who can raise the most - it’s about everyone raising what they can, towards our collective target. We are grateful for whatever you manage. 

Q: How can I approach people for sponsorship?

We know it can feel uncomfortable asking for money. It can be helpful to reflect on why you have chosen to do this challenge, and communicate the real impact the funds raised will have on lives. Also, express why this challenge is difficult for you, and worth sponsoring! 

Some avenues you could explore for collecting sponsorship include: 

  • Friend & family group chats

  • Social media: E.g. Facebook groups & Instagram stories

  • Your workplace 

  • Community groups & classes 

  • Via a newsletter or notice board

Here’s a template message to get you started. 

Q: What if sponsors prefer cash or direct bank transfer? 

A: We encourage you to still set up a fundraising page, even if you will collect your donations via other methods. This helps our team keep track of who is taking part and the total raised by the collective effort. If you’re sponsored by cash or personal bank transfer, you can make a one-off deposit to your fundraising page any time before the 24th July 2024 deadline.

Is your question unanswered? 

We invite you to come along to our live online Q&A session on Wednesday 12th June, 7-8pm BST. Click here to register your interest in Silence for Seven to be emailed the Zoom joining details.