Part 2.

One of the main reasons why I chose to train with Breathworks was because I saw they incorporated kindness and compassion practices across all their courses. This made me feel confident that Breathworks understood the importance of compassion and I knew that (at that particular time in my life) I needed compassion and kindness more than anything else.

The practice of mindfulness and moment-to-moment awareness helped me to identify how harsh and critical I was being towards myself especially when things got tough. With practice, I began to build a kinder, more generous, and more spacious attitude towards myself. With time, I began to understand that I can be on 'my side' and look after myself. Slowly, I begin to understand the value and preciousness of my own life.

Because being kind to ourselves isn't necessarily easy, its very important that we begin to practice loving kindness regularly in small as well as more formal ways.

At Breathworks, because trainers have been practicing the development of compassion and kindness for a long time, they can help you to understand, explore and benefit from compassion and kindness-based approaches. On Breathworks' Mindfulness for Health and Mindfulness for Stress Courses and during Breathworks teacher training, you'll be introduced to a series of practices including: The Compassionate Acceptance Meditation, The Open Heart Meditation, The Connection Meditation and Kindness to Self Meditation. Collectively, these practices will enable you to explore the power of loving kindness and compassion.

The practices taught at Breathworks enable us to come into contact with all the parts of ourselves (parts we like and parts we don't like) so that we can move towards integration and wholeness. These practices allow us to liberate energy that we usually allocate for self-dislike and self-criticism. While providing a safe container or place in which to abide when we're lonely, frightened or in pain, these practices also allow us to hold ourselves in a tender embrace while we rest, heal and grow.

By facilitating emotional intelligence, and human development, these kindness and compassion practices can change your life.

Colette Power