Enquiry is one of the aspects of mindfulness teaching that many trainers and trainees are most apprehensive about. But enquiry is a skill that can be learned and, with practice, developed and deepened.

In this Continuous Professional Development workshop, we’ll delve into the aim of enquiry and what it entails. The workshop will break down the skill of enquiry into simple steps, which you’ll have the opportunity to put into practice with each other in small groups. 

These steps are:

  • Opening Questions
  • Reflecting back & Mirroring
  • Asking about Primary Experience
  • Asking about Secondary Experience
  • Closing

After practising each of the steps in small groups, we’ll discuss the process and share the learning. 

Having practised these steps, and having got an overview of the process, you’ll be able to approach enquiry with more confidence in your abilities to enquire of people in a skilful and meaningful way. These steps are not intended to be formulaic ‘rules’ of enquiry, rather, they’ll give you a foundation to build upon, so that over time and with practice, you’ll develop your own approach to doing enquiry, including opening more to its intuitive aspects.

Enquiry is our most popular and demanded workshop topic, so do book soon to secure your spot if this is for you.

What you will learn

  • Learn more about enquiry in the context of teaching mindfulness
  • Learn simple steps that make up the enquiry process
  • Practise enquiry with peers
  • Reflect with peers and exchange supportive feedback
  • Ask questions of an experienced mindfulness teacher
  • Gain confidence in the ability to do enquiry in a skilful and meaningful way

who this is for

Mindfulness teachers, trainees and facilitators (of any approach).

meet the leader

Fidelma Farley

Fidelma became accredited with Breathworks as a mindfulness trainer in 2008 and as an Associate Trainer in 2013. As well as teaching Breathworks Mindfulness for Health and Mindfulness for Stress courses, she runs courses and workshops for the general public and a variety of groups and organisations, including M.S. Ireland, the Irish Heart Foundation, St. Vincent’s University Hospital and University College Dublin. She is a mentor for trainees as they go through their mindfulness teacher training with Breathworks and is a regular contributor to the teacher training programme. She also works extensively with individuals on a one-to-one basis. She has a particular interest in mindful eating, both in practising and teaching it. 

Having worked as a university lecturer prior to becoming a mindfulness teacher, Fidelma is an excellent communicator and group facilitator. She became an accredited life coach in 2016 and finds that her mindfulness and coaching practices inform each other in productive and meaningful ways.

Fidelma has a long-standing meditation and mindfulness practice, which continues to ground and sustain her. Her teaching is inspired by the desire to give others the opportunity to enhance their own health and happiness, and to live more  meaningfully,  through mindfulness practices.


Start time: Wednesday 27 November 17:30

End time: Wednesday 27 November 20:30

(UK time; see this Time Zone Converter for your time zone)

Please note, bookings for this event will close on Tuesday 26th November at 3pm.





Arriving, settling, housekeeping




What is Enquiry? 6 Steps of Enquiry


Meditation & group work




Whole group discussion


Meditation & group work


Whole group discussion


   Meditation & group work


Whole group discussion & final reflections




When you book you will be taken to a form to complete. Once completed, we will email you your confirmation and a link to join the event via the platform Zoom. When you receive the link - simply click on it at the start time to join the online video call. Click here for a short video on how to use Zoom.


We offer four different pricing options to those wishing to join us, and asking participants to pay the highest sustainable amount that they can, so that we can offer places at a reduced cost to those less able to afford a place. 

If you are an accredited Breathworks Teacher, you are eligible for 10% off your place (bursary places not included), details of how to access your discounted rate are on the Community of Practice Teachers & Trainee's Group.

Supporter's Rate

Pay for yourself and help support one person to join on a Bursary.


Individual Rate

Full-priced rate


Concessionary Rate

For those in financial hardship who cannot afford our full priced rate (see below for more).


Bursary Rate

A limited number of places are reserved for those unable to afford the Concessionary Rate.


Here you can find our Cancellation & Refund Policy.


Breathworks is a charitable organisation with a mission to make the benefits of mindfulness accessible to everyone. To help remove barriers for people in financial hardship, we offer a limited number of concessionary and bursary places on events and courses. We operate our booking system on the basis of self-assessment and trust. Please have a careful read of our eligibility guide below, and contact us if you have any further questions.

Concessionary Rate: applies to individuals with an income of less than £22,000 a year (or less than £25,000 if you live in London).

Bursary Rate: a limited number of bursary places are reserved for individuals with significant financial barriers that limits them from affording the Concessionary Rate.

Please note that we usually record our online events both for training purposes, and to create learning material for others. If you do not wish to be recorded, please feel free to switch off your video and/or audio. 

Book a place

Ticket Quantity Price

Supporter Rate - Enquiry - Nov 2024

Decrease Increase £62.00

Individual Rate - Enquiry - Nov 2024

Decrease Increase £50.00

Concessionary Rate - Enquiry - Nov 2024

Decrease Increase £40.00

Bursary Rate - Enquiry - Nov 2024

Decrease Increase £28.00